Workers Comp for Landscape & Grounds Workers
Workers Comp for Landscape Workers
& Grounds Maintenance Employees–
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, summer is the more workplace injuries occur during the summer than any other time of the year. And landscape workers and grounds maintenance employees are among the most likely to suffer a work injury in the summer.
If you work for a company and you were injured while mowing lawns, trimming hedges or trees, planting, working for a company, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits.
Types of Landscaping & Ground Maintenance Injuries:
- Heat Exhaustion or “Heat Stroke”
- Slip-and-fall Accidents
- Falls from Ladder & High Places
- Skin Cancer such as Melanoma
- Toxic Exposure to Pesticides or Fertilizer
- Injury from Equipment such as Lawnmowers
- Electrocution from Power Lines and Cords
As long as you can prove that your injury or illness was work related, you are eligible to receive compensation for lost work and medical bills – regardless of who was at fault.
Workers Comp for Cumulative Landscaping Injuries
Injuries do not always occur suddenly. A groundskeeping worker can also suffer a “cumulative” injury– that develops “over time” from repeated exposure or activity. Many aspects of landscaping work – such as racking – require repetitive motion. But while these injuries are common among landscapers, it can be difficult to prove exactly how and when a cumulative injury occurred.
Workers Comp for Undocumented Landscapers Workers
Undocumented workers are protected by all California labor laws – including Workers Compensation Laws. Even if your immigration status is in question – you still have a right to collect Workers Comp if you were injured on the job.
Agricultural and Farm Workers Compensation
Many states exclude agricultural and farm workers from workers’ comp coverage. However, California law does cover agricultural & farm workers – entitling them to workers’ comp benefits.
Uninsured Employers & the Workers Comp Trust Fund
Unfortunately, not all farm labor contractors or other employers purchase this required workers comp insurance. In such cases, injured workers can still seek benefits from the Uninsured Employers Trust Fund.
Independent Contractors & Workers Comp for Landscaper Injuries
Keep in mind that if a Landscaper or Ground Maintenance Workers is an Independent Contractor (“1099 employee”) under the legal definition, then his or her employer is not required to provide Workers Compensation insurance or benefits.
But, just because an employer calls you an Independent Contractor, there are still some circumstances where the law consider you an “employee” who is entitled to Workers Compensation benefits.
Free Consultation with a Long Beach Workers Comp Attorney
If you are a landscape worker or grounds maintenance employee – and you were injured on the job – call our experienced Long Beach workers’ compensation lawyers for a free consultation. We will help you understand your rights and fight to get the maximum workers compensation benefits for which you qualify.