Best Workers Compensation Lawyers in Orange County
Find the Best Workers Comp Lawyer in Orange County
If you or a loved one has been disabled at work, your application for Workers Comp benefits should be automatically approved – without requiring further legal action. Workers’ Compensation was designed as a “no-fault” system, to provide injured workers with medical treatment and money to live on, without the need to “sue”.
But frustratingly, every year, many severely injured workers in Orange County are wrongfully denied Workers Comp benefits by their employer’s Workers Comp Insurance Company.
Our experienced workers’ compensation lawyers understand that if you have been injured at work, you NEED your workers compensation to live on! And we have some good news for you: if you were initially denied Workers Comp benefits you are much more likely to be approved for benefits on appeal if you are represented by an experienced workers comp lawyer.
If you are considering hiring a Workers Compensation lawyer for your Orange County Workers Comp case, the following are some useful ideas to remember when choosing the best Workers Comp lawyer.
What to Seek in Orange County Workers Compensation Lawyers
Workers Comp Lawyers Should Give Free Consultations
A Workers Compensation lawyer should never charge an injured worker for their initial consultation. Be sure to find a lawyer who listens to you, understands your illness or injury, and thoroughly answers all of your questions.
Our skilled and experienced lawyers offer a free consultation to any Orange County disabled worker with a Workers Compensation matter. Our skilled, compassionate lawyers do genuinely care about our each and every disabled client. We are dedicated to taking as much time as necessary to understand your concerns and answer every one of your questions..
Orange County Workers Comp Lawyers Should Only Collect if You Win
In every California Workers Comp case, attorney fees will be determined by your the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) who is assigned to your case. A good lawyer should explain to you explain up-front that the court will authorize a fee of 10%, 12%, or 15% – according to the complexity of your case.
Our attorneys will always explain this fee structure to you. Be sure that any attorney to whom you speak makes this clear, as well.
Hire Orange County Workers Comp Lawyers Who Only Handle Disability
At Cantrell Green, our dedicated lawyers feel very strongly that the best Workers Comp law firms will only handle disability-related cases – and not family law, drunk driving or anything else. The Workers Compensation laws and regulations are very complex and it takes a good lawyer years of experience to learn everything there is to know about Workers Comp law.
Our entire law firm has practiced only one type of law – disability law – for more than 40 years. Every one of our lawyers to stays on top of the latest laws and any changes or developments in Workers Comp regulations.
Questions For Your Orange County Workers Comp Lawyer:
Do They Have Awards & Memberships for Workers Comp?
Good Workers Compensation attorneys who are “specialized” will belong to organizations that help them stay current on Workers Compensation law.
The disability attorneys at the Orange County law firm of Cantrell Green belong to these legal organizations:
- Super Lawyers – consecutively from 2004 – 2015!
- Long Beach Bar Association – Workers Compensation Section
- Workers Compensation Section of the State Bar of California
- The Harbor Area Applicants’ Attorneys Association
- California Applicant Attorneys Association
- Workers Injury Law and Advocacy Group
How Much Workers Comp Experience Do The Lawyers Have?
Our law firm was founded by pioneers in the area of disability law more than 40 years ago. Our Orange County lawyers have handled only disability cases since the year 1971. We have fought in thousands of cases to protect the rights of disabled workers. Our caring and exceptionally skilled lawyers have collected more than one hundred million dollars in compensation for our disabled clients.
What Percentage of the Lawyers’ Practice is Disability Law?
At the Orange County law firm of Cantrell Green our lawyers handle only disability cases – 52 weeks a year. It is because we have dedicated 100%l of our time, energy & experience to obtaining compensation for disabled workers, that we are able to get the maximum Workers Comp benefits for which every client qualifies!
Call the Best Workers Comp Lawyers in Orange County: 562-622-4800