Top 10 Workers Comp Claim Accidents
The State of California has enacted a vast number of laws designed to protect workers from unsafe conditions. Sadly, there are some employers who cut corners with respect to safety codes in an effort to save money. Most employers, however, take safety codes seriously and spend a significant amount of time and resources to ensure compliance with those codes for the benefit of their employees.
No matter how diligent an employer is in terms of providing a safe working environment, one thing is for certain: accidents happen. In fact, attorneys at the Long Beach firm of Cantrell observe that the numbers are staggering – over 1 million injuries happen on the job every year. These injuries result in workers comp claims, and fall into several general categories. The top ten of these are as follows:
1) Workers Comp Claims for Overexertion
According to the Department of Labor, the number one event leading to a workers comp claim is not an event in itself. Rather, it happens due to repetitive day-to-day activities such as lifting, pulling, pushing, moving or throwing something. Muscle pulls, strained joints, or lifting too much weight all fall into the broad category of overexertion. These claims are especially common in construction and the warehouse industry.
2) Workers Comp Claims for Slips, Trips & Falls
Second on the Department of Labor’s list is a category that includes slips, trips and falls. Wet floors are the major culprit contributing to injuries in this category. Occupations that report the largest percentage of these claims are store clerks, security workers and groundskeepers.
3) Workers Comp Claims for Falling to a Lower Level
Next on the list are injuries caused by falling off a ladder, a roof, or falling down a flight of stairs. It is no surprise that construction workers and roofers are at the greatest risk. But they are not alone. Teachers also file a significant number of claims resulting from falls down stairs and steps.
4) Workers Comp Claims for Bodily Reaction to a Fall
When a person loses balance, the normal bodily reaction is to try to avoid the fall. That in itself can cause an injury, such as a twisted or sprained back, wrist or ankle. Surprisingly, the two professions that report these types of claims are police officers and nurses.
5) Workers Comp Claims for Being Struck by an Object
Coming in at number five are injuries resulting from being struck by an object. These injuries may occur when something falls off a shelf or when an object is dropped on someone by a co-worker. Employees in the retail sector and warehouse workers are most likely to file these types of claims, followed closely by construction workers.
6) Workers Comp Claims for Falling or Bumping into an Object
Injuries in this category happen when someone falls into or against something or is pushed into a stationary object. Occupations that give rise to these types of injuries include office and factory workers.
7) Workers Comp Claims Involving Vehicle Accidents
The Department of Labor reports that claims involving vehicle accidents are seventh on their list. Obviously, the more time an employee spends on the road in connection with his or her job, the greater the chances of being involved in a motor vehicle accident. It comes as no surprise then, that truck drivers, traveling business representatives and police officers top the chart in terms of risk in this category.
8) Workers Comp Claims Due to Machinery Accidents
While “workplace injury” and “machinery accident” seem almost synonymous, machinery accidents are eighth in line in terms of common workplace injuries. However, these can cause some of the most devastating and debilitating injuries. Accidents in this category may include crushing, mutilating or even death, and factory workers and construction employees are the most likely to be at risk.
9) Workers Comp Claims Caused By Repetitive Motion
While it may be harder to prove that repetitive injuries were job related, they are still painful and debilitating. Repetitive motion such as typing, using a mouse, lifting boxes, assembly line work or even sitting for prolonged periods can cause injuries such as tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and bursitis. Data entry employees, clerical workers and those working on assembly lines tend to file this type of claim most often.
10) Workers Comp Claims for Workplace Violence
Last on the list, but possibly the most tragic, are injuries caused by workplace violence. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that every year, more than 300 workers are killed in workplace shootings. These acts of violence may be perpetrated by robbers, coworkers or even family members. In addition to the reported deaths, hundreds of workers were either severely injured or disabled by these violent assaults. Occupations with a particularly high risk include police and safety officers, retail workers (especially those who work in gas stations and convenience stores), and bank employees.
Long Beach Workers Comp Lawyers
No matter the cause, if you have been injured or become ill as a result of your job, the attorneys at Long Beach-based Cantrell Green are here to assist you. We understand the intricacies of workers comp law, and apply that knowledge to the unique circumstances of your case. Give us a call today to set up a consultation.
Your consultation with our workers’ comp lawyers is 100% confidential, and neither your employer nor your insurance company will be notified that you requested a consultation with us. Our lawyers will help you understand your rights and work tirelessly to ensure that you receive the maximum workers’ comp benefits for which you qualify.
Long Beach Workers Comp Lawyers Consultation: 800-964-8047