Social Security Disability Attorney FAQs
If you’re considering filing a new Social Security or SSI disability claim, or you have already filed and the claim was denied, you may think that you can save money by handling it alone.
The attorneys at Cantrell Green have decades of experience with Social Security Disability law and understand the intricacies of how the system works. This article discusses some of the advantages of hiring an experienced Social Security Disability attorney and answers some of the questions you may have: how disability attorneys work, how they get paid, and most importantly, what they can do to improve your chances of winning.
Will My Case be Faster if I Hire a Social Security Disability Attorney?
An advantage of hiring a Social Security Disability attorney is that they work within the Social Security system on a daily basis. This means we are able to present your case in the most favorable way so that your application is far more likely to be approved. We can help you narrow the focus to those facts that will be most persuasive. Further, our attorneys know what documentation will be necessary to support your application, and understand the criteria necessary to qualify for one of the listed impairments in the Social Security’s “blue book.”
Is it Too Late to Hire an Attorney if my Claim is Denied?
While you are not required to have representation at any level of Social Security Disability hearings, if your initial claim is denied, your chances of winning on appeal substantially improve if you do. It is possible that the denial was not solely based upon the merits of the case, but rather because of how it was presented. Our attorneys carefully build support for your case, including relevant medical evidence and opinions from medical professionals, vocational and other experts. They draft briefing to submit to the Administrative Law Judge and prepare you for any questions that might be asked at the hearing. Our experienced attorneys know the system and have access to resources that the general public does not.
How Much Will a Social Security Disability Attorney Charge?
Disability attorneys work on a “contingency” basis, which means they do not charge up-front fees or require a retainer to work on a Social Security disability case. They are paid only if they win the case. The costs themselves are regulated by federal law and are generally the lesser of 25% of your disability backpay or $6,000. (Of course, if your case goes to appeal, costs may increase, but generally not higher than the $6,000 cap.)
Is it Wise to Have an Attorney at a Disability Hearing?
The Social Security Act and the regulations governed by it are extremely complex. It would be unwise to build a house without hiring a general contractor who understands building codes and construction techniques. In the same way, it is unwise to assume you can navigate the maze of Social Security law without an experienced attorney.
Virtually every survey taken shows that hiring a disability attorney greatly improves the outcome of SSDI and SSI claims. That only makes sense – having experienced, competent help on your social security disability case may well make the difference between winning and losing a claim for benefits.
Must a Disability Attorney Take my Disability Case?
One of the greatest benefits of an experienced attorney is his or her ability to advise you as to your chances of prevailing. Since disability attorneys only get paid if they win, an attorney may be reluctant to represent you if it seems your case is deficient or weak. This not only protects the attorney, but it also protects you from wasting time and energy on a case that cannot survive on its merits.
Should I Hire a Disability Attorney or a Non-Attorney Advocate?
Once you make the decision to hire someone to represent you at your Social Security disability hearing, there are a couple of options from which to choose: a disability attorney or a non-attorney advocate. Generally speaking, the disability attorney and non-attorney advocate’s rate of pay is the same. The major difference between the two is the level of education. However, there are some distinct advantages of hiring an attorney:
- Studies show that attorneys have higher rates of success.
- Attorneys are bound by professional conduct rules and ethical obligations, while non-attorney representatives are not held to the same standard.
- Attorneys are bound by attorney-client privilege.
- Attorneys have years of specialized training, which enable them to anticipate potential legal issues and to craft arguments and defenses that could enhance your case.
- A non-attorney representative cannot appeal your claim to the federal district court level, and
- You have recourse against an attorney through your state’s grievance commission if you feel your attorney did not act in your best interest; there is no such remedy with non-attorney representatives.
A good disability attorney will develop a solid theory of disability for winning your case, prepare you for your hearing, arrange for witnesses, and more. Cantrell Green’s Social Security Disability Attorneys have the experience and knowledge necessary to get the very best result for you in terms of your claim.
If you live in the greater Long Beach area and believe you have a Social Security Disability claim, give us a call today to discuss your unique situation and let us help you achieve the best outcome possible.
Long Beach Social Security Attorneys
If you or a loved one is unable to work due to a disabling injury, medical condition or disease our skilled and experienced attorneys are here to help you get the maximum Social Security Disability benefits for which you qualify.
The Law Office of Cantrell Green is a group of highly qualified and experienced disability attorneys who have obtained millions of dollars in Social Security Disability benefits for thousands of clients in Long Beach, Orange County and the greater Los Angeles. Our attorneys care about every client, and fight tirelessly to obtain the benefits you deserve.
Social Security Disability Attorney Consultation: 800-964-8047