Social Security Benefits for Covid-19 “Long Haulers”
While life is slowly returning to normal after the worst of the pandemic, many people who suffered from Covid-19 are still experiencing physical and psychological symptoms month after they had the coronavirus.
Struggles with profound fatigue, cognitive difficulties, breathing problems and heart ailments are just some of the disabling complaints that are affecting Covid-19 survivors for months afterwards. These patients have been classified as “Long Haulers” by medical professionals.
Literally hundreds of thousands of individuals worldwide are experiencing what is being called “Long Covid” which is characterized by this pattern of prolonged symptoms following an acute bout of the virus. Some of these long-haulers have managed to “push through” and continue working with accommodations like telecommuting and reduced hours and responsibilities. But many more are simply unable to return to work – especially those in professions that are particularly demanding mentally or physically.
For these people Social Security Disability (and/or private Disability Insurance) could be the lifeline that they need. But applying for Social Security Disability for “long haul” Covid can be particularly challenging. With Covid-19 being a new disease, whose short term and long term affects still not fully understood, applying for Social Security Disability puts Covid long-haulers into uncharted territory.
Covid-19 Long Haul Statistics
In the United States more than 30 million people have tested positive for the coronavirus. In January of 2021 the medical journal The Lancet reported that approximately three-quarters of studied Covid patients in Wuhan, China, reported at least one ongoing symptom of coronavirus six months later.
Another study conducted by the University of Washington reported in the medical journal JAMA Network Open that approximately 30% of the 177 patients in their study who had tested positive for Covid-19 still reported symptoms when they were surveyed 10 months later.
Qualifying for Social Security Disability with Long Haul Covid-19
Remember, in order to qualify for Social Security Disability, you must be able to prove that you have a physical or mental disease or health problem that is severe enough to keep you from working for at least 12 months.
For most Social Security applicants under age 50, this means that the Social Security Administration will require proof that they are unable to do any type of work in the general economy . . . not just work in their regular field of work.
So, in order to be approved for Social Security Disability for long haul Covid-19, an applicant most show that the prolonged effects of their coronavirus infection will keep them from working for a year or longer. And, this can be difficult because of the newness of this disease.
Challenges of Qualifying for Social Security Disability with Long Haul Covid-19
Because of the lack of Covid-19 testing in the first several months of the pandemic, many “long haulers,” may have no laboratory proof of the date of their infection.
Additionally, many of the reported symptoms of long haul Covid, including fatigue and cognitive impairment, are considered “subjective” and cannot be “proved” with an Xray, blood test, MRI or other test, like cancer and other diseases can.
And, because the long-term effects of Covid have yet to be put through rigorous testing, it can be difficult to “prove” that the claimant will be disabled for a year or longer.
Social Security Disability Attorneys for Long Haul Covid-19
Compiling the records and documentation necessary to apply for Social Security Disability can be an arduous journey for someone suffering from long haul Covid-19. And many long-haul patients who are suffering from fatigue, cognitive impairment and/or breathing issues are simply too exhausted or overwhelmed to get through the SSD application process.
This is why hiring an experienced Social Security Disability attorney can be extremely helpful in SSD cases for long-haul Covid-19.
An experienced SSD attorney can arrange comprehensive neuropsychological examination, lung function testing and other specialist assessments to help document the long-term effects of a coronavirus infection. Our attorneys can also gather affidavits from family members, friends and work colleagues and friends to help document the patient’s symptoms and the effect on their ability to work.
Covid-19 Social Security Disability Attorneys
If you or a loved one is unable to work due to the long-term effects of Covid-19 or other disabling injury, medical condition or disease our skilled and experienced lawyers are here to help you get the maximum Social Security Disability benefits for which you qualify.
The Law Office of Cantrell Green is a group of highly qualified and experienced disability attorneys who have obtained millions of dollars in Social Security Disability benefits for thousands of clients across California, including Los Angeles, Long Beach, San Diego and all of Orange County. Our lawyers care about every client, and fight tirelessly to obtain the benefits for which you qualify.
Social Security Disability Attorney Consultation: 800-964-8047