Collecting Social Security Disability for Cancer
Can I Collect Social Security Disability for Cancer?
At Cantrell Green we understand that the physical, psychological and financial effects of battling cancer can be overwhelming. We understand that you are unable to work but still need to support yourself and your family. If you are unable to work due to cancer, our experienced lawyers are here to assist you obtain Social Security Disability benefits for which you qualify as quickly as possible.
Understanding Social Security and Cancer
Social Security Disability (SSD) as well as Supplemental Security (SSI) disability claims on the basis of cancer are generally handled basically the same way as other disability cases. However, one important difference is that some cancer cases (depending on condition and prognosis) may be “expedited” (moved more quickly) through the system.
This expedited processing can be welcome news for an individual who is struggling to make ends meet while facing the challenge of cancer.
In general, cancer disability claims are approved in one of two ways:
1. Meeting the requirements of a specific disability listing in Social Security’s “blue book”, or
2. Receiving a “medical-vocational” allowance, which is a type of special approval in which it is determined that the claimant cannot return to their past work or engage in forms of other work.
Are Social Security Benefits Automatic for Cancer?
We understand that a diagnosis of cancer is very traumatic, but unfortunately it does not always “guarantee” approval for Social Security Disability.
However, there are certain type of cancers that do result in immediate approval for disability – provided that the medical documentation that is submitted is enough to “prove” the diagnosis.
Some cancers that meet Social Security’s official listings for immediate approval:
• metastatic brain or spinal cord carcinoma,
• inflammatory breast cancer,
• mesothelioma of the pleura,
• oat cell cancer (small cell cancer) of the lungs,
• primary cancer of the liver, bile ducts, or gall bladder,
• cancer of the pancreas
Social Security also generally immediately approves forms of cancers that:
• are inoperable versus being controlled with treatment
• have distant metastases (has spread), or
• are recurrent after surgical procedures or irradiation
However, remember that any disability (and its effect on your ability to work) still has to be “proven” by sufficient medical documentation. In addition to proving the cancer diagnosis, you must prove that the cancer prevents you from working.
And, of course, Social Security Disability (SSD) applicants still need to meet the work history or financial qualifications of the benefits they are applying for.
Legal Help Applying for Social Security for Cancer Patients
If you have been diagnosed with cancer and are unable to work, our experienced and caring Long Beach social Social Security Disability lawyers are here to help you. We understand that the application process can be overwhelming for someone who is fighting a difficult disease such as cancer. Call us today and let us take the work and worry out of applying for your Social Security Disability benefits, so that you can collect the maximum benefits you deserve in the shortest amount of time possible.