Applying for Social Security Disability for Mental or Psychological Condition (Part 2)
How to Apply for Social Security Disability for
Mental Illness or Psychological Condition (Part 2)
This is the second part of a two part article, in which our experienced Long Beach Social Security lawyers discuss applying for Social Sceurity Disability for a mental illness and other psychological conditions. This information is general in nature only – and not a substitute for the advice and guidance of an experienced Social Security lawyer.
(CLICK HERE for Part 1 of this Article on Social Security Disability & Psychological Conditions)
Social Security Disability SSD RFC Form
Even when a health care provider’s treatment notes are very thorough from a medical standpoint, they often may not include exact or specific details about how your mental condition affects your ability to function – at home, at work or socially.
In this case, our experienced Social Security Disability lawyers suggest asking your doctor to fill out a mental residual functional capacity assessment form (“RFC form”) – for submission to the Social Security Administration. One of the best things you can do to build a strong Social Security Disability case is to have your Doctor thoroughly complete an RFC form.
Social Security examiners are required by law to give weight to your own doctor’s opinions about your mental illness or psychological condition and its effect on your ability to function. So a strong RFC form that clearly demonstrates the negative impact of your mental illness or psychological disability on your ability to work can be a very important part of obtaining a favorable decision.
Social Security Disability Consultative Exam
After the Social Security Disability claims examiners reviews all of the information in your application, associated forms and medical records, they will then decide if more information is needed in approving or denying your Social Security Disability claim. If they feel they need more information, they have the right to order you to ndergo a, a consultative exam – also called a “CE”.
Social Security generally prefers to arrange a consultative exam (CE) with your own treating doctor. However, they may also refer you to a different doctor of their choosing for a CE. If you are claiming a mental illness or a psychological condition and your doctor is not a psychiatrist, they may refer you to a psychiatrist for a thorough CE.
It is important that you comply with any request for a consultative exam. Failure to comply with a CE request can shift the balance away from your favor and result in a denial of benefits.
Social Security Disability Third Party Evidence
The Social Security Administration also has the right to contact third parties that you have identified, in order to inquire about their knowledge of your activities. This can actually help your case, because reliable and credible people can offer valuable information that helps establish the day to day impact of your mental illness or psychological disability. Try to supply the SSA with the names and contact information of people who have seen the effects of your mental condition on your ability to function. This may include: former employers, teachers, friends, social workers, pastors and/or family members.
Our experienced Social Security Disability lawyers remind you to always make sure you contact those people before you give out their names, to make sure they understand your impairment and are comfortable talking about it to the SSA and that.
Long Beach Social Security Disability Lawyers
If you are operating under a cognitive disability that affects your ability to think, organize or effectively express yourself, hiring an experienced Social Security Disability lawyer is usually the best way to make sure that you present the best possible case to the Social Security Disability examiner.
If you are mentally ill or cognitively or psychologically disabled and are considering filing a Social Security Disability Claim, our experienced Long Beach Social Security Disability lawyers can help make the process easier and faster for you. Call us today for a free, no-obligation consultation with an experienced Orange County Social Security Disability lawyer.