CalPERS Makes Health Plan Change for 2019
CalPERS Makes Health Plan Change for 2019 –
What is CalPERS?
CalPERS (The California Public Employees’ Retirement System Board of Administration) is the retirement and health security program for state, school, and public agency members and public servants. The CalPERS pension fund serves more than 1.8 million members in the CalPERS retirement system, in additon to administering benefits for more than 1.4 million members and their families in their health program. CalPERS is the largest defined-benefit public pension in the United States with a total fund market value of approximately $352 billion.
New CalPERS Health Plan
Last month CalPERS unveiled a new “PERS Select” Health Plan designed to increase member engagement and improve overall health of members and their families.
The new “PERS Select” Health Plan is a value-based insurance design (VBID) that is designed to improve coordination of care through the member’s own personal doctor. The new plan also offers incentives to members who meet certain health and wellness goals.
While CalPERS members still have a choice of health plans, the new PERS Select option is aimed at enrollees who want to be more engaged in their own health care, and make better and more informed health care decisions.
The new plan takes effect in the 2019 plan year and is a two year pilot program, which revises the current Select Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) non-Medicare plan.
Benefits of New CalPERS Health Plan
CalPERS also is anouncing lower premiums – estimating that memberts enrolled in the new PERS Select plan will save between $221 and $277 annually on premiums.
The new PERS Select” Health Plan allows members to earn credits that will reduce their annual deductible costs – hopefully leading to big savings. Members who participate in the incentives program can save between $500 and $1,000 per year on annual deductibles of $1,000 to $2,000 per year.
Members in PERS Select can reduce their annual deductible costs by participating in up to five of the following health and wellness activities:
- Get an annual biometric screening
- Receive an annual flu shot
- Certify that they are non-smokers
- Participate in a smoking cessation program
- Get a second opinion for non-emergency elective surgery
- Use a nurse manager for disease management
As an added benefit the new plan also allows members in 18 counties that are rural areas with no Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) options to have HMO-type support.
CalPERs Disability Retirement Attorneys
The disability lawyers at Cantrell Green are among the few attorneys who understand and specialize in CalPERS disability benefits. If you are unsure if qualify for CalPERs disability and/or other disability retirement benefits, call our experienced lawyers today. We would be happy to help you determine your eligibility for disability retirement under the CalPERs system.
Free Consultation with a CalPERs Attorneys: 562-622-4800